Karen Parker-Pope of The New York Times published an interesting article a couple days ago entitled “Understanding Post-Adoption Depression.” Parker-Pope premised the article on an interview she conducted with Dr. Karen J. Foli, a nursing professor at Purdue University, who is also an adoptive parent.

Dr. Foli interviewed 21 parents who had adopted children ranging in age from newborn to 12 years. She shares a handful of hypotheses as to why a number of these parents experience depression after bringing their child home. In summarizing Dr. Foli’s findings, Parker-Pope writes:

“The research, published in this month’s Western Journal of Nursing Research, found that the depression experienced by adoptive parents often stemmed from unmet or unrealistic expectations of the parenting experience.”

In my experience, a prospective adoptive family’s expectations and motivations have nearly everything to do with their post-placement experience. Tapestry, a ministry of Irving Bible Church to adoptive and foster families has created a short questionnaire entitled “Ten Questions to Consider as You Explore Adoption.”

If you’re considering whether adoption is right for you and your family, download the questionnaire and work through the questions with your spouse (if you’re married), with family and close friends, or even with another adoptive family.

HT: Adoptive Dads blog